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SoFy Documentation


SoFy Common Services

These lightweight services are pre-integrated with our products to provide self-contained packages that are ready to deploy into any Kubernetes environment. The common services are fully supported for use with our products, under your existing product license. The intent is to help you avoid (or at least minimize) dependencies on services provided by your deployment platform, which may lock you in to a specific cloud vendor.

SoFy Console

The SoFy Console application provides a simplified solution administration experience, including:

  • Kubernetes cluster info, which is filtered to only show the information for the solution resources; this is useful if you are new to Kubernetes or are operating in a large cluster, but are only concerned with the solution application
  • URLs for the services and products selected from the SoFy Catalog - these include links to product GUIs, REST API swagger UIs, and base URLs for REST APIs
  • Easy setting of FlexNet License Server properties for HCL licensed content
  • Links to other common services in the solution:
    • the Grafana monitoring dashboard
    • the KeyCloak GUI to manage users, passwords, and access controls
    • the Prometheus GUI for low-level access to monitoring data
  • Access to logs for all pods in the solution

If you have launched the Solution in the SoFy Sandbox, a link to 'View SoFy Console' is displayed in the Sandbox Information view.

If you have installed the Solution in your own environment, the URL for the SoFy Console will be displayed at completion of the Helm install. It can also be constructed using the external-IP assigned to the Ambassador or Emissary services as follows:


Refer to the Initial Login Credentials guide for your SoFy Sandbox login credentials.

Access Control Service (ACS)

ACS provides both authentication and authorization controls for traffic accessing the solution external IP. When included in a solution, the ACS is registered as the authentication service for Ambassador or Emissary and by default, and it will be called to examine every request. The following default users and passwords are created for each new solution:

Userid Default password Access
user Refer to Initial Login Credentials catalog services
sol-admin Refer to Initial Login Credentials all services (including SoFy Console)

Users and passwords can be managed through the Keycloak component that is included in ACS. A link to the Keycloak GUI is available in the SoFy Console application as follows: https://sofy-kc.{solution-ip}/auth/admin/sofySolution/console.

Monitoring Dashboard

The Monitoring service includes Prometheus, to gather and store monitoring data, and Grafana, to display that data in visual dashboards.